
Nelson Mandela

1962 Mandela visits leaders of other countries(Ethiopiua, Ghana, Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, Morocco).
1962 the police caught him in a car outside Rivonia and he got five years in prison. He was a leader in in prison, and the other prisoners always wanted him to speak for them.
He appeals all over the world through mass media in prison.

In his 27 and a half years in prison, he didn’t thinking about his family.
1969 Mandela was very sad because he could not see his mother’s last time.
1977 he started a garden. He gave vegetables to prisoner cook and the warders.
1988 he was moved Victor Verster prison. There was very nice and larger.
1990 new president F.W de Klerk freed Nelson Mandela .
It was beginning of the end of apartheid in South Africa.
1991 He became president of the ANC.
1993 he and de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize.
1994 Mandela is President of South Africa=apartheid end.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Mandela makes me HAPPY!!!!!Wow


  2. Very good, Junya! Looking forward to reading your next work. By the way, are you from Aichi?
